Wednesday 25 July 2012

Wednesday 25th July '12

19:46 hrs and I have just received a rather disturbing text from Little Bobbie D:

'Scribe.  Update on crew injuries.  Steve, broken shoulder - 'Release spinnaker pole Kipper...NOT THAT FAST!' Kipper, sore hip carrying 50 litres of water from Morrisons.  Steve, knee cartilage from carrying 2cwt of food from Morrisons.  Kipper, knee ligaments, falling off lump of 4x2 meant to be boarding ramp.  Steve and Kipper, sore thumbs x 4, suburn x 1, sore neck x 2, sprained knee x 1.  Mental despair x 2.  Fixing grating all bloody weekend and not a word of thanks.  Kipper sore finger, pushed a couple of buttons.  Anon.  PS.  Bobbie D ok ish.  Little Bobbie D makes me sound like bloody 50's rocker, which clearly I'm not.'

The Scribe has several observations to make.

1) They have been warned on more than one occasion not to let that spinnaker out of the bag but do they heed they heck as like!  Last time it showed it's ugly face on deck, it almost caused a mutiny and now it has managed to take out one of the crew-of-two.  Not only that but the sneaky little sail has managed to transfer the blame onto the beleagured Kipper.  I await an update on progress although I have a sneaking suspicion in this instance, 'broken shoulder' may be defined as minor graze and a bit of a bruise.  I need blood and bone poking through skin before I am overcome with concern. 

2) The Scribe wishes she had shares in Morrisons...

3) The Scribe also wishes she had shares in Ralgex, Voltarol surgical knee supports and Valium

4) There is never any excuse for sunburn - deal with it!

5) The Scribe thinks perhaps the author of said text might have had his buttons pushed...

6) Boarding ramp probably fine - no doubt an alcohol induced fall...

and finally, as for the complaint about the tag, 'Little Bobbie D' - a little late to complain about it now don't you think and I couldn't possibly comment about the 50's rocker thing as I am far too young!!

I can only guess from this that they are still in Gibraltar and are probably being measured for bathchairs and having a Stannah stair lift fitted in the companionway.

At 21:15 hrs, The Kipper sent the following update:

'Yes, left Gib this morning on route for Cartegena.  I will leave Bobbie D  to make up stories for you!  Whilst I was away, the crew-of-two worked like proper crew, did the shopping, went to the bar, repaired the cockpit grating (problem job), went to the bar, cleaned the boat, went to the bar.  That was about it.  Had an admission today, they need a few days to dry out!!!  Still, the passage should sort that out.  As you know, yesterday did the tourist bit, walked up hill and down dale for miles up and in the Rock.'

At 21:31 hrs, Steve sent the following update:

'Hi Scribe.  Got the blog update  from The Kipper.  He failed to mention the heroic work done by Scabby Crew in his absence!  Re-stock.  Full clean.  Extensive repair to cockpit grate, including battle with epoxy!  Not to mention Olympic drinking whilst cheering on Wiggins in The Tour De France!'

One question remains...what on earth did they do to the cockpit grate!!! 

Little Bobbie D is now silent which means the other two have either locked him in the forepeak and confiscated his phone or he's sulking because it's too late to change his name.  I may have to send Julie out there to take him in hand. 

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