Sunday 8 July 2012

Still Sunday 8th July

Word had filtered through to The Kipper that Andy Murray had reached the final of Wimbledon and he expressed his relief that he would miss the press hysteria that would surely follow.  He sent the following update at 21:03 hrs on Friday evening:

'Ola, just finishing an adventure into Spanish food!  Very successful I think.  We've had a small glass or two of wine with dinner, can't have a late one, we're off at 8 in the morning.'

Clearly The Kipper had consumed more than a small glass because he mentioned that The Scribe's company and sense of humour was missed.  She rectified the problem by sending the following:

'Two cannibals are eating a clown, one turns to the other and says, 'Does this taste funny to you?'

And this is the reply she received - verbatum -

'You silly cow!!! Where did that come from, a christmas cracker from 1950!!!'

It's amazing how brave a person can be when they are several hundred miles away: the Scribe reminded him that the pen is mightier than the sword.  He sent this back,

'By the way, one cannibal said can you pass the finger bowl, the other replied, sorry they've all gone!'

And so to get back to more sensible things; half way through this little verbal battle he mentioned that Porto is 200 miles south and that it the likely target.

At 07:13 hrs on Saturday morning The Kipper advised:

'Off again, south this time till the weather improves!'

At 19:51 hrs he updated on their progress:

'Today has been very difficult again.  Wind on the nose, heavy rain squalls, then when the wind did free off so we could make direct course it's died to nothing!"  Eventually we have reached our furtherst point west, 42.52'.8N 009.24'W off Cape Finisterre at 20:45 hrs.  Course now set for Porto Portugal 100 miles south.  Should be there by tomorrow (Sunday) night'.

He sent this picture which apparently shows the glorious sailing - and it does look good, deep blue sea, sunshine, shorts, sun hats and two of the grumpiest looking sailors I've ever seen.  I think the crew-of-two may have had words!!!

By 16:33 hrs today, I received the following from The Kipper:

'Have arrived at Porto for the night.  Sun shining northerly F5/6 blowing.  But it's warm, dry and the wind is in the right direction!  We'll see what tomorrow brings!!'

There followed some rather dull texts about tennis and then at 21:36 hrs The Kipper wrote:

'On passage last night so had a disturbed night so now off to bed.  Off in the morning at 8 for another overnighter subject to the wind dying a bit, blowing 25 knots at the moment.  Still fingers crossed.'

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