Thursday 19 July 2012

Thursday 19th July cont...

This episode deserved a little entry all of it's own. 

The Kipper and the crew-of-two planned to leave for Gibraltar today and this morning, that plan was looking pretty good.  At 08:40 hrs he wrote:

'Weather checked, tides checked, ready to go, can't get out of Rota Marina till it's too late!  Dah!  We'll be leaving at 16:00 to arrive in Gibraltar at breakfast time.'

At 11:56 hrs he sent the following little gem:

'Swear, swear, swear, just put water in the fuel tank!!!  Now draining the fuel tank!!'

Once again The Scribe felt it was a case of less said...

At 14:58 hrs an anonymous text was received from the crew-of-two:

'Dear Scribe.  Have you heard about this mornings fun and games.  It was a beauty.  Crew loyalty prevents me going into details but suffice to say it is the last time I take any stick about left handed bowlines or putting the teaspoons back in the drawer upside down.  Anon.'

Left handed bowlines???? 

As for upside down teaspoons - my, my, clearly The Kipper has been on good form. 

Now, in an attempt to be fair to The Kipper, his water filler cap and the fuel filler cap are dangerously close together on the aft deck. I seem to recall that the cap for the fuel rather helpfully has the word 'fuel' written across the top and the water filler cap stands slightly proud of the deck. It's an easy mistake to make, in broad daylight and bright sunshine, presumably sober, wearing his glasses and clearly in no particular rush because they couldn't get out of the marina until 4 pm!! 

By 17:14 hrs they had resolved the problem and were underway again:

'We have left Rota, now on our way towards Cape Trafalgar where we will toast Nelson and then onto Gibraltar.  Should be there before breakfast.'

Mediterranean sea, here they come...

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