Monday 2 July 2012

Monday 2nd July 12

The Kipper and the crew-of-two finally left Benodet as planned on Saturday morning.

The Scribe received the following text at 07:34 hrs

'The weather at last has relented and given us an opportunity to cross to Spain, left about 30 minutes ago and will be out of contact till Thursday probably earlier but will text on arrival.'

At 06:18 hrs today (Monday) The Scribe received the following:

'Morning, we are just arriving in Gijon, Spain after a very quick crossing of Biscay, wasn't expected to get here until tonight.  150 and 140 miles a day sailing.  When I let you know we were leaving I got the days confused, I thought it was Monday not Saturday!  We've had some brilliant fast sailing and had dolphins (AFD) playing around us on the way over. Was tempted at 0300 hrs this morning to turn right for Corunna but wind died off so decided on Gijon.  When we've sorted everything, a shower and sleep is called for.'

Gijon is on the North coast of Spain and is decsribed as being in the Asturias region.  It is described by a gentleman named Danial Clifford ( as being a mid-sized city of some 270,000 residents.  The town is reported to have been around for 3000 years and began as a fishing village.  It is now an important busy port on the Atlantic coast.  It appears to be a popular tourist spot with quaint cobblestone streets and an historic fishing village named Cimadevilla is worth a visit.  It also boasts a sculpture named the Eligio del Horizonte (Praise of the Horizon) placed in 1990 at Cerro de Santa Catalina.  Not exactly Michael Angelo's David but to each their own. 

 LATITUDE: 43º 34' 00'' N
LONGITUDE: 05º 42' 00'' W


Port Gijón - Asturias
Taken from (

The marina of Gijón, along with its numerous facilities, includes an historical building (rehabilitated "rula", or market of the old port of fishermen) in which the most important and essential services are centralized , such as Customs, Capitana and customer service, which means a greater comfort and effectiveness for the traveller. Integrated right in the center of the city, nearby you can find all the services that a large city can offer.
I eagerly await the next update from The Kipper and the crew-of-two once they have caught up on their beauty sleep; I wonder if they are know that Spain won some sort of Association Football competition on Sunday - if not I don't think it will be long before they find out.

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