Thursday 19 July 2012

Thursday 19th July 12

I left The Kipper and the crew-of-two safey tucked up in Rota and was ever hopeful that they would be successful in their attempts to get through the Straits before The Kipper heads back.  The Kipper sent the following update on Tuesday:

'A quick update, whilst in Ayamonte, got accosted by a Norwegian couple, him a 50 ish tobacco chewing spaced out live aboard whose life is a series of disasters and she is a 20 ish large breasted woman, far more sensible and pleasant.  Thought we had escaped them when we left: they just found us on Rota, eek!  If only we could move on!  Looks like the weather is looking good for us to go through the Straits on Thursday;  Just booked my flight back for Friday night to Luton.'

At this juncture The Scribe feels it would better to remain silent and pass no comment at all. 

The Kipper reported that it is very hot and so afternoon siestas seem to be the order of the day.  The Scribe felt it only fair to warn The Kipper that he might need to get his vest and his brolly out of storage before returning to the UK.  Despite being very hot, it was still extremely windy, blowing 25 kots from the east.  He and the crew-of-two were off to visit Cadiz and The Scribe was assured that it was purely going to be a cultural visit. 

Wednesday found them firmly settled in Cadiz and at 15:51 hrs, The Kipper reported:

'Wow, in Cadiz , it's soooooo hot, 95.  Energy saped out of me.  Sitting in the shade drinking water (!) waiting for the ferry to take us back to Rota.  Very nice ancient city, lots of narrow streets and pleasant little squares and old buildings.  An enjoyable day.  Checkig the weather when we get back, hope to be off for the Straits tomorrow'. 

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