Sunday 22 July 2012

Saturday 21st July 12

The cew-of-two have been left on their lonesome in sunny Gibraltar - can anyone else in the class see a potential problem with that?

Sure enough it seems that since The Kipper left they have been hard at work...down the pub.  At 20:31 hrs they sent the following:

'Evening Scribe.  Scabby crew here!  Shabby night last night.  Shopping done this morning then back in the bar by 4 pm.  You can tell we are unsupervised!'

I have tasked them to send a picture of one of the famous Gibraltar apes - at least that will mean a long walk to the rock and they will be out in the fresh air for a couple of hours.  Unfortunately, they missed the point and it has been suggested that little Bobbie D will be suited up. 

I am suddenly reminded of a time when Captain Jack Aubrey RN had to dress up in a bear skin whilst accompanied by his friend naval surgeon Stephen Maturin (fluent in Spanish so naturally Jack had to be the bear) in order to evade escape while crossing Spain. 

If you haven't yet read the Patrick O'Brien books may I humbly suggest you go out and buy them; start at the beginning of the set and don't come crying to me if you get totally hooked and can't put them down.

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