Sunday 8 July 2012

Sunday 8th July continuted

The crew-of-two looking like a pair of visiting sailors
A study in concentration...

I hope that by now, you will all realise that I like my detail so I have taken the time to analyse this picture.  Please note the FHM magazine across there on the starboard side and if you look really carefully, you'll notice that right next to it is a waterproof folder containing what appears to be back issues of FHM magazine: make of that what you will...chaps...and ladies.  On the table, we have what looks like a well thumbed copy of one of Robin (legend) Knox-Johnston's books, Steve is apparently embracing technology by using a Kindle - although all we can see is him holding it, doesn't mean he's actually managed to turn it on.  The Kipper's 'Black Rat' mug is there on the table and if you look really closely, you'll see the little bear that Christine and Lisa gave to The Kipper before he left the dock at Chatham.  How sweet is that!!!

Little Bobbie D on galley duties - sharp knife if one hand and a gin & tonic within easy reach. 

And finally for tonight, a picture of Steve at the chart table pretending to look busy. 


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