Sunday 8 July 2012

Sunday 8th July 2012

The Kipper and the crew-of-two arrived in La Coruna late evening on Wednesday 4th July. At 22:20 hrs I received the following from The Kipper:

'Just a quick message to say just arriving at La Coruna.  Been a long hard slog, will tell all in the morning'.

This was followed by the promised update at 13:16 hrs on Thursday 5th,

'Slept all morning, now out for breakfast.  Took 2 days to do 180 miles!  First day no wind then fluky wind generally from the direction we were gong in.  30 more miles west then it's south all the way.  Moored up in the marina, our neighbours are the cruise ship Azura; blocks out the daylight!  Town is full of Mancunians and like Manchester, it's raining.'

The Scribe did remind him that it shouldn't be south ALL the way unless they have some kind of hankering to see lots of penguins. 

By 19:39 hrs that evening the following decision had been made:

'Staying another day, weather is crap (technical sailing expression) again.  Hope to get down the Portugese coast in 2 hits weather dependant of course.  Probably stop in Porto, Port needs to be replenished apparently'.

And now for the pictoral report from La Coruna,

Nice view

Big statue!
Statue with palm tree growing out of the top of her head
This years entrants in the sexy legs competition
 More to follow...

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