Tuesday 3 July 2012

Tuesday 3rd July '12

When last we met, The Kipper and the crew-of-two had made it to a little place called Gijon on the Spanish coast and they were sleeping following their glorious sail across from Benodet.

I waited eagerly for tales from Gijon but it seems that the place is shrouded in mystery and will remain so until another group of intrepid adventure seekers moor up on their pontoons. 

The next update was received this morning at 10:33 hrs following my demands to know where they were and what they were up to:

The Kipper wrote:

'Have tried to send a load of photos to you but they won't go, will try when ashore.  We are now motoring along the north coast towards La Coruna, no wind but want to make up some time.  Sun is shining, its warm, all wearing shorts, spray hood down!  We're getting there.'

Since then I have recieved the promised pictures and I felt it only fair to share them with my small but loyal band of followers. 

This is The Kipper changing the courtesy flag: note the blue seas, blue skies, white fluffy clouds, full mainsail...am I jealous...HELL YES!!

I have made a note to speak to the crew-of-two because I distinctly remember giving them strict instructions about letting The Kipper wander up to the foredeck on his own.  I see no signs of a harness or anyone standing by to ensure that he doesn't trip and fall off or worse still, try to carry out any chores on the foredeck.  Kippers have a tendency to get lost or be found wandering around aimlessly with a glazed expression in their eyes if they are allowed forward of the mast.  It'll all end in tears...

I love this picture! 

Bobbie D on the helm doing 7 or 8 knots the little show-off.  He does look like he is enjoying himself.  I love the hat and the look; sort of boy scout meets boat jumble!

I think this picture was taken on Saturday; the weather looks glorious, the sailing looks pretty good and yet...full oilskins are called for.  Must still be a touch chilly.

That's better, order and calm have been restored to the Universe: The Kipper is back where he belongs, starboard side aft on the helm. 

Still full oilskins and Musto snug...

Definitely chilly...

The Crew-Of-Two...

Doesn't look like there is much breeze out there...

Now.  I can't be held accountable for the following pictures, The Kipper sent them so it's all his fault...

I give you...the on-watch port side look out...

To be fair, he is sitting in the most comfortable seat in the house when on a starboard tack so it's no wonder the poor wee thing drifted off there for a second.  And lest we forget, he is probably still recovering from that near fatal attack of man-flu.

Have you guessed who it is yet?  I couldn't make up my mind if it was The Kipper or Steve.

I'm just gonna leave that there and you can decide for yourselves. 

Bless him! Clearly The Kipper has been working the crew-of-two to near exhaustion; I just hope someone thought to check for a pulse...

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