Tuesday 24 July 2012

Tuesday 24th July '12

When last we met, The Kipper had returned home for the birthday party leaving the crew-of-two to fend for themselves.  You will be pleased to hear that The Kipper has now returned to Yacht Petra and has no doubt joined the crew-of-two in the bar. 

They have been enjoying the sights in Gibraltar and have sent the following pictures for our entertainment:

A nice picture of the crew-of-two!
This picture was entitled 'Bob with his pensioner friends'.  I don't think the gentleman with the walking stick has any intention of letting the suspicious looking man in the blue tee shirt anywhere near his lady friends. 

A rare opportunity of seeing The Kipper and the crew-of-two in the same shot.  Note the sticking tape on the starboard side and midships of little Bobbie D's sunnies.  Allegedly broken by The Kipper in a fit of pique but we have no evidence so the Mighty CPS have ruled out any form of prosecution. 

I presume this is a picture of the marina in Gibraltar but I won't swear to it.  This picture was very helpfully entitled 'marina next to a runway'.  One assumes it must be rather a noisy berth.

And finally....just incase anyone had forgotten that this blog is actually about three blokes who have gone sailing...

A picture of the harbour in Rota - at least this one has water and boats in it...

The last update of the evening from The Kipper states that they are leaving in the morning for either Cartegena or Ibiza: the weather will decide.  

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