Monday 9 July 2012

Monday 9th July 12

I have been neglectful in my duties to show you where our intrepid band of travellers have stopped so far in this trip.  You will see Gijon and La Coruna up there on the North Coast of Spain and then...

...they visited Porto seen near the top of the page and now, they are on overnight passage to Lisbon (about three quarters of the way down the map for the idiots like me who failed geography at skool). 

It's all quite exciting really, not long to go before they hang a left and zoom towards the Strait of Gibraltar.  The Kipper sent a text this morning at 11:14 hrs saying:

'We had a delayed start this morning, office didn't open till 9 to turn on the water, also needed engine oil from town and most important, FOOD!  Left just after 10:00 hrs, now sailing towards Lisbon 170 miles south.  Another overnighter.  Sun shining, sun cream and silly hats on.'

The Scribe expressed concern about the fact that she might not fit all these place names on the back of their tee shirts but the clever Kipper suggested she think outside the box and maybe have two columns. Mr Smarty Pants!!

He also let slip that one of the things on the crew shopping list was Baby Powder.  Silly, silly I wasn't going to mention that in the blog!!  I won't however, mention the one who purchased said powder to save his blushes.  The Kipper didn't actually say what it was for - he told me to use my imagination so I can only assume there are some kind of 'chafe' issues afoot. 

Which reminds of a mantra I once heard when I was sailing that goes a little something like this:

Chafe is your enemy
Alcohol is your friend
Free stuff is good stuff
Don't do the.....

...actually, I think I'll leave that there.

I eagerly await the next update from Lisbon. 

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