Sunday 12 August 2012

Saturday 11th August 12

We left The Kipper and the crew-of-two motoring the last 40 miles to Rocella Ionica but by 05:43 hrs this morning the plan had clearly changed.  The Kipper said that they had thoroughly enjoyed the sailing of the day before but they made such good progress that they were due at their desination in the dark.  I think the pilotage books came out because the next update said:

'Due to arrive at Rocella in the dark, not recommended so changed our destination to Cortone some 15 hours further on.  Only 6 bottles of water left, just enough for a little over a day.  Main reason for not going direct to Greece.  Haven't had a shower for a week, really looking forward to one when we get in!!  Before you say anything have been washing but not had the luxury of a shower.'

All The Scribe can say is....eugh!  Can you imagine what it's like on board - a little fusty perhaps? 

Crotone marked in red - not a great picture but hopefully you get the idea of where they are at the moment. 

By 16:10 hours they were probably quite thirsty but they were almost there as reported by The Kipper:

'Just Arriving at Crotone, another hard day sailing, it actually rained today, well a few spots were felt anyway.  Plenty of spray etc when wind hit 25 knots!'

This was closely followed by:

'Just had a walk round Petra for my morning excercise, she's filthy!!!  Decks etc covered in a thick layer of salt and grime and the standing rigging is covered in a red dirt.  A good clean up is called for!'

At the mention of the words 'a good clean up is called for', The Scribe was half way out of the door, destination - the airport - whilst trying to figure out how to get all her cleaning materials through security in her hand luggage!  She pointed out to The Kipper that it was extremely cruel of him to mention that Petra needs some TLC when The Scribe is so far away, she can't do anything to help.  Poor Petra...I bet those boys haven't been cleaning those bottle-screws with a toothbrush.

At 23:08 hrs The Kipper confirmed that they would be leaving the following day:

'Need to get water and to time our arrival in daylight, am knackered, have just woken up from being asleep in the cockpit, now to bed.'

The crew-of-two have been rather quiet...I can only assume they are still on board...


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