Thursday 2 August 2012

Monday 30th July 12

I received the following update from The Kipper at silly-o-clock; I'm guessing that it was sent yesterday:

'Hi, you won't get this for a while but at 17:38 hrs today we crossed the Greenwich Meridian and are back in the east.  First time since 22/5/12 and 2100 miles!!  Been talking today; our destination appears so much closer and achievable.  Excitment is slowly building.  When you get this, we will have arrived and anchored in an island off Formenterra called Espalmadore'.

Now everyone, cast your minds back to the planning meetings held way back at the beginning of the year during which Formenterra was mentioned and made Steve's eyes glaze over at the thought of all those scantily clad if not naked beauties who frequent this area of the Med.  The Kipper barely managed to conceal his excitement at the thought of visiting this utopia and Little Bobbie D adopted a devil-may-care attitude as lovely Julie was sitting within striking distance. 

Well, it seems they've arrived in the area.  The Scribe did manage to glean a little bit of sailing information from them before hysteria set in:

'I'm afraid no sailing, had 8 knots true wind on the nose.  It did pick up to 10-11 for an hour when we got the headsail out but nothing more.  Going to stay here in the anchorage and chill for the day, then onto Majorca, Porto Column (?) for the night, then Mahon on Menorca, refuel, water and supplies.  Thursday/Friday to Sardinia.  That's the plan  It's very pretty here but full of yachts!!  All things being equal may be in Vlyho Greece by the weekend after next.  I hope I haven't put the mockers on it.  Fancy meeting us on the quay to wecome us back?'

Oh how The Scribe would very much like to be on the dockside to catch their lines and offer them a chilled beer and hearty congratulations.  Sadly, it is not to be - despite The Kipper's best efforts to convince her. 

At 08:30 hrs, this arrived...

With the caption....'He had to do it, no trunks!!'
Yes indeed folks, Steve can be seen waving a little pair of red speedos in the air.  I must say that Little Bobbie D looks like he is properly enjoying himself in this picture.  Or maybe he is screaming having just realised that the gentleman next to him is now swimming naked. 

The Kipper confirmed that they were indeed Speedos and The Scribe insisted that she had only ever seen a couple of chaps carry off the speedo look - one was a nice toned and bronzed gentleman from Italy and the other an equally nice toned and bronzed gentleman in Croatia...oh, and Daniel Craig - so, unless you are nice, toned, bronzed and a gentleman and you happen to be in either Italy or Croatia or you're James Bond - then step away from the speedos!!!

Steve felt the need to clarify the following:

'What trunks! It's a red flag for good reason, just happened to be made by speedo!  Waved ahead of hazardous objects.  At least we got the chance to get a swim'.

The Sribe pointed out that it wasn't nice of Steve to refer to Little Bobbie D as a 'hazardous object'

Somehow the conversation deteriorated from there...I won't bore you...

Little Bobbie D put forward the following:

'A most invigorating interlude.  I wish Steve had warned me so I could have looked down as I surfaced'

I'm sure had this happened in UK waters, there would be a crime report in existence for indecent exposure and he'd be half way to a certain register that shall not be named.  Little Bobbie D was offered the services of a counsellor and The Scribe kindly offered to conduct his ABE interview.  He confirmed that as an ex-dog handler he has absolutely no idea what an ABE is and he just wishes to put the whole sorry tale behind him and move on with his life. 

(For those who might on the off chance be reading this and who like Bobbie D have no idea what an ABE is...I'm not telling..)

The Kipper went in for his first dip in the Mediterranean Sea and confirmed that he left his trunks firmly velcroed to his bottom.  He describes the sea as being warm, clean, clear and wonderful. 

Thanks for that...I'm off to find another fleece because as yet, summer hasn't actually arrived here in the UK.

By 19:17 hrs, it was clear that the excertions of the day had worn the poor dears out and they had retired to the cockpit to relax before dinner.

Entitled, 'Sitting in the cockpit with a sundowner waiting for Little Bobbie D to cook dinner'  

They clearly had a good time on this anchorage because by 22:43 hrs The Kipper reported that he was shabby, tired and emotional.  The update was followed by this:

'For the blog, at Steve's insistence anchored at Espalmadore, I now know why!  He's been glued to the binos all day looking at the young girls... wearing, well, next to nothing  and in a lot of cases absolutely nothing.  I did object that he was wearing the binos out but was over ruled 2 to 1!!

Immediate observations and thoughts...

He's single so where's the harm in it...
He'll probably go blind...

Anyhoo, they all seem to be enjoying themselves... more to follow...

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