Thursday 21 June 2012

Thursday 21st June 2012

No more sleeps to go and The Scribe writes this from a kitchen table in the village of West Peckham in Kent.  Due to circumstances that I have no intention of boring you with now, The Scribe had to pull out of the delivery trip with only two days to go.  She didn't make the RV at Tonbridge railway station, she didn't arrive in Falmouth with the boys and won't be there to make sure they all eat properly, wear a vest, clip on, clean the heads, ration the choclolate supplies and keep the kite stowed away in the forepeak.  The Scribe doesn't want to wallow in self-pity; suffice it to say, she finds herself rather glum over the whole affair. 

However in an effort to try and find the positive and remain chipper, at least I can continue to update the blog to let people know how the three amigos are getting on.  I have also been for my cloak fitting and hope to have it delievered early next week - I can then join the lovely Julie on the quayside looking out to sea waiting for the chaps to return from that long sea voyage....I do of course realise that as and when the three of them return home it will be by plane but the cloak thing just doesn't work at the arrivals gate in Gatwick!!!

And now to bring you up to date on the events so far.

As planned The Kipper, Steve, Bobbie D and Julie all made the journey to Falmouth on Saturday the 16th.  By about 10:20 am the plan had already gone to rats; The Kipper and Steve were on route to the train station to meet up with Bobbie D and Julie ready to catch the 10:40 hrs train up to London.  However, Bobbie D got a little bit confused and ended up in London far earlier than planned. The Kipper did for one fleeting moment think that this was a cunning plan by Bobbie D to avoid being involved in the menu planning.  Personally, I think Bobbie D was just recovering from the effects of his retirement party. 

I know that they did all eventually end up in Falmouth with Bobbie D and Julie safely tucked up in their 'Posh' hotel and Steve and The Kipper away to the boat. When they arrived at the harbour wall, they expected to find the water taxi available to take them out to Petra but it was nowhere to be seen.  After waiting forlornly on the dock for a while a lovely chap who was anchored in his own yacht saw them waiting and took pity on them.  He lifted his anchor, came alongside and gave them a lift out to Petra.  How lovely was that!  I know The Kipper and Steve were very grateful for the assistance because the water taxi was noticable only by his absence.  He did turn up again the following morning so one can only assume that he was either unwell...or out on a hot date...or just totally disinterested...

The Kipper and Steve did complete the menu plan on the trip down to Falmouth - I very helpfully sent my suggestions by way of text message - in no particular order - macaroni cheese, spaghetti bolognaise and chilli-con-carne.  Apparently, they had already thought of them.  The Kipper confessed that he had left the filet steak at home in the fridge; I'm sure Mrs Kipper probably enjoyed it on his behalf.  At the conclusion of the menu planning they apparently had 10 days worth of menu and needed another boat to carry it all.  I was also told that beetroot featured heavily in the planning: beetroot sandwiches, beetroot salad, beetroot stew.  I cannot tell a lie, I did over hear a throw-away comment whilst I was on the phone that went a little like this, 'That'll teach him to leave all the menu planning to us...'

I believe the prep on the Sunday went very well and all according to plan.  All shopping was complete but some concern was raised because after everything was stowed away, they still had two empty lockers.  I hope they haven't forgotten anything important like...toilet paper.  They were on course to leave as planned on the Monday morning.  I spoke to The Kipper just before they left.  As one would expect they were all looking forward to setting off, the weather looked like it was going to behave for at least a couple of days so they were going to make progress and head for a place called Audierne in France.  I parted with the following words of advice: wear your vests, clip on, make sure Steve has soap and that Bobbie D calls lovely Julie whenever possible.  I will confess to feeling utterly gutted knowing that they were just about to throw the lines off and go whilst I was pushing my mower around the garden trying to pretend that it was all okay and telling myself that there will be other sailing opportunities.... 

Heigh ho...I'm off to walk the dog now...

Maggie dog

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