Friday 29 June 2012

Friday 29th June '12

The Kipper and the crew-of-two are still in Benodet but they are hoping to leave around 9 am tomorrow morning.  Or at least that was the plan when I spoke to The Kipper at about 13:30 hrs this afternoon.  At that point, the weather was looking promising with a window opening up for them that could have seen them across Biscay.  The Kipper was hopeful that they could begin by sailing best course to windward until the wind veered allowing them to hopefully make course.  However, whole hours have gone by since then and I have a slight fear that the weather might not stick to the plan.  The Kipper is watching the forecase carefully and remains hopeful that they will leave. 

In the mean time, it seems they have been enjoying the hospitality that Benodet has to offer; last night they ate ashore at a very nice restaurant in St Marine which is on the opposite side of the river.  They all had the fish soup to start, then for their main course, Steve had the fish...Bobbie D had...the fish and The Kipper had...chicken!  Given the amount of time they are about to spend out on the water I'd have thought they would have gone for the beef or goat or horse even the vegetarian option, anything but the fish.  They report that the weather was so nice yesterday the shorts came out and the oilskins were packed away.  I do so like an optimist. 

I'm afraid there is some rather sad news to report.

The Kipper sent a text update at 21:29 last evening:

'Been on a trek to the supermarket, top up on a few essentials, brandy, gin and scotch.  We didn't do very well, only came back with food and scotch!  Sun shone here most of the day so we all caught up with some sleep in the cockpit.  Been out for dinner in a nice restaurant.  Bobbie D has my cold and is suffering, not sure he will survive the man flu!'

Little Bobbie D has caught The Kipper's cold and according to reports, he has taken a turn for the worst and a serious case of 'man-flu' has set in. Now as we all know (girls) this can prove fatal in the male of the species and so last night was a worry. The reports were grim: not expected to make it through the night, etc., etc.  The Scribe naturally passed on her concerns and sadness about a life tragically cut short at such a young age and enquired if they had enough cannon balls on board just in case it should come to a swift burial at sea.  Advised that they feed him some scotch which would hopefully sort him out.  All that was left to do was get the Rosary beads out and pray.

At 22:53 hrs The Kipper reported;

'Medicinal scotch applied. No cannon balls but have stone boulders as substitues if he doesn't make it, more scotch for Steve and I.'

By 13:30 hrs this afternoon Bobbie D was reported to be making good progress although they feared he wasn't out of the woods yet.  In true Kipper fashion, the sick one was sent ashore to go in search of a new gas bottle.  He is alleged to have gone ashore with said gas bottle only to find that the shop had run out.  He returned to the harbour, took the water taxi across to the other side (just in case you're wondering, that's the other side of the harbour...not THE other side... you know, the place where the big G is supposed to live!)  and once ashore, he located a supply of gas and then proudly returned to th water front only to find that the harbour taxi driver had gone for his lunch.  One grumpy hour later, the poor wee thing returned to Petra, no doubt exhausted from his exertions.  Steve gave him a hug and he got a well done from The Kipper and that made everything alright again...apparently. 

They moved Petra into the marina in Benodet today so that they could charge the batteries, top up the water tanks and generally prepare to leave tomorrow.  They will be eating aboard Petra and kebabs are on the menu tonight. 

At 20:11 hrs, this was the sad picture sent from the saloon, clearly, Little Bobbie D was fighting the man-flu but what a relief it was to have Steve on hand to help him through.  Note the big orange bear on the shelf behind them who appears to be grinning from ear-to-ear.  Not quite sure why Bobbie D has a blue towel on his head and clearly, the wine will be medicinal. 

By 20:15 hrs, he was making an excellent recovery and was stuffing himself with kebabs and red wine!  The Kipper reported that they were going to eat al fresco but heavy rain put an end to that idea.  They are eating a hearty meal before setting off tomorrow and are watching the weather forecase carefully as things are changing. 

So, all-in-all, everything is looking good for tomorrow.  I can put my Rosary beads away, Julie can put the life insurance policy away and Steve can take off his nurses outfit.  The Kipper can off-load all those boulders and all being well, they will set sail on the morning tide for the warmer waters of the south.   


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