Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tuesday 29th May '12...Cont.

The Scribe received a phone call from The Kipper on Thursday (24th May) - not good news.

They left Dartmouth as planned for the passage to Falmouth but they very quickly realised that Petra's bilge was full of water.  After further investigations, it was discovered that water was leaking out of the water filter on the engine.  The Kipper reports that this is the first time his electric bilge pump has earned it's keep, gallons of water were pumped out of the bilge and on a positive note, at least we know it works.   

They beat a hasty retreat into Dartmouth and The Kipper put in a call to his trusty shore crew also known as The Scribe.  The Kipper has a Johnson water pump fitted on a Volvo engine - new in 2002 with an indirect cooling system.  Obviously, that will mean something to anyone with marine engineer in their title or anyone who knows their way round a marine diesel engine.  The Kipper had attempted a repair but failed.  He tried replacing the impellor and gaskets but that didn't solve the problem.  It was going to need a man with a spanner and a tool bench. 

One google search and two phone calls later and we found a lovely chap named Phil from a company called Riverside Engineering in Dartmouth.  I explained the problem and he was only too happy to help.  He was very apologetic about the fact that he would have to charge a call out fee of £60 but said that he could pop down to the pontoons to have a look and hopefully sort the problem out.  Message and details passed to The Kipper so that he could take it from there.

Several hours later, The Kipper phoned with an update.  He and Bobbie D had made it safely back into Dartmouth and he had then removed the water pump.  The offending engine part was conveyed by taxi to Phil's workshop (£60 call out fee avoided)  and after a swift repair he gave The Kipper a lift back to the boat.  Phil is described as being a lovely fella who couldn't have been more friendly and helpful if he had tried. 

The repaired pump was fitted and that was an end to that little disaster.  However, this now meant that they were completely behind schedule and as Bobbie D had to be on the train home on Friday, the only option was to remain in Dartmouth and seek replacement crew to help with the final leg of the trip.  It also meant that The Kipper had to phone home and break the news that he would be late home...about 3 days late home.  I don't think that phone call went all that well: let's just leave it there. 

Thursday 24th May 18:06 hrs

' Nice place to be stuck in.  Still waiting to hear from Steve to see if he can come down and finish the trip off.  Will keep you updated'.

21:42 hrs
'Steve will come down to help with the final leg of the trip to Cornwall'.

I'm not going to embarrass The Kipper by recording his next text - suffice it to say he and Bobbie had been to the pub so it was 'emotional'.

Friday 25th May '12 - 12:24 hrs

'Hi, how goes it?  Bobbie D left about 09:30 hrs to return home.  Spent all morning cleaning below decks, I trust to your exacting standards!  Smells nice now, it's amazing how 2 blokes can make so much mess!  Tomorrow outside cleaning and polishing, mustn't do too much in one day, cruising pace now.'

I spoke to The Kipper that morning; he sounded relaxed and seemed to be adapting to the retirement way of life without too much trouble.  He reports that he had been making friends with other cruising people on the pontoons, he had been trying to find a laundry - proving difficult but you will be relieved to hear that he eventually found one and it was conveniently situated right next to a pub.  He ran his water tanks dry so had to move from his visitors berth to the quay to fill up and was assisted by a very friendly chap who jumped aboard and helped him with his lines.

And there he was worrying about not meeting anyone and being lonely!!!

As Steve hasn't arrived back in the UK yet, he has a bit of time to relax and explore the area. 

Saturday 26th May '12 19:51hrs

'Had a day in Totnes wandering about.  Got chatting to some emergency bikers, they do blood runs.  Wind is dropping down from easterly F7 to a manageable F4/5.  Likely to reduce further to F2 Westerly.  Typical!

Sunday 27th May '12 - 20:19 hrs

'Getting into the cruising life, got the ferry to Dittisham for lunch, beer and ploughmans, just finished Sunday dinner, a roast of course.  Steve should be down here tomorrow late afternoon and we will complete the journey on Tuesday.  Hope this fine weather holds.

Witty banter followed...won't bore you...

Sunday 27th May '12 21:11 hrs

'Decided on Dockyard Fudge, comfort food.  Am aboslutely stuffed now.  Can you let the girls know, it was very nice.  Not sure it was wise to eat after a roast, sure to sleep well with my full tum.'

Message duly passed to the girls - Lisa and Christine

Monday 28th May '12 - 20:52 hrs

'Steve has arrived, we are off at 05:00 in the morning for Falmouth, no wind forecast!  He had a dreadful trip down, hope things improve.'

It seems that scabby crewman Steve had to take a bus from his home just outside Tenterden but the bus didn't turn up so he had to wait for about an hour and a half for the next one.  He eventually managed to get to London but was then delayed on the underground because someone had jumped in front of a train.  He eventually managed to get his train from London to Dartmouth but it apparently stopped at every single station between the two.  I believe he might have been a touch grumpy by the time he got there.  I think The Kipper managed to cheer him up by handing him a beer and then allowing him to carry out his duties as galley slave.  Harsh don't you think!!! Still, you can't do enough for a good Kipper!

They left Dartmouth as planned at silly-o-clock on Tuesday 29th to 'sail' to Falmouth.  As you will see from the below picture, the conditions continue to be testing and the risk of setting the 'ickle orange storm sail are never far away.  The Kipper reported that he had a full main up - in such testing conditions some might consider that reckless!!!

Tuesday 29th May 14:17 hrs

'Took this picture as I passed the Eddystone Light.  Furthest west I've been in my own boat, it's all a new adventure from here on!'

Just passing in a flat calm...30 miles to Falmouth
 ...and that says it all...

By 15:54 hrs they were tied up in Falmouth with beers in hand.  The Kipper reports that it was flat calm so they motored all the way.  It took them ten and a half hours to motor round from Dartmouth - these conditions can be very testing for the crew and if truth be known, just a little bit dull but they kept themselves amused with a magazine that Steve had brought along and preparing a hearty breakfast and lunch. I believe there was also mention of dolphins  - AFD! ( Anyone who has ever sailed with me will know what that means!)

And there you have it.  The first leg of The Kipper's 2012 Sailing Adventure is complete.  Petra is now safely moored up in Falmouth and it won't be long now before we all jump on a train to join her, prepare for our trip, throw the lines off and head south. 

In fact, it is only...19 sleeps to go before I'm on that train to Falmouth.  Am I excited about going? Hell Yes! 

The Kipper will be heading home now because he has a work commitment in Wales (The Wiggle Dragon Ride - www.participatesport.com).  He will be on the 10 am train heading east and should be home by 4 pm.

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