Wednesday 23 May 2012

22nd May 2012

The journey so far...

The Kipper has been sending fairly regular text updates regarding the journey so far:

Saturday 19th May - 08:59 hrs

'Arrived Dover, 08:00 hrs! Average speed over the ground 7 knots!  Some good sailing and some was rubbish.  A little weary now, off to bed to recharge the batteries.'

Saturday 19th May - 09:00 hrs

'Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' (He's a funny guy!)

Saturday 19th May - 18:40 hrs

'Hi, don't know wether to say good morning or afternoon.  Put sail bag on, changed to working jib now relaxing in the sunshine with beer and nibbles.  04:00 start tomorrow.  Should be in Eastbourne by 13:00 or so.  Stronger NE winds forecast, looks like a fast reach!'

Saturday 19th May - 19:22 hrs

'Just had a complaint from the crew, chicken curry with my rice , where's the Naam bread!  Can't believe it!'

At this point, the scribe suggested issuing Bobbie D with a toothbrush and telling him the bilge needs cleaning. The order was duly given.

Sunday 20th May - 11:31 hrs

'You'll be proud of me, left Dover 11:00, two reefs in main and no headsail running before 25 - 30 knots of wind, against the tide.  Very comfortable and making good progress.  Expected Eastbourne before 20:00.'

Sunday 20th May - 19:42 hrs

'At Sovereign Harbour.  Locked in, cleared away, celebratory drink in hand.  Average over 6 knots not bad when the first 4 hours was against the tide! Brilliant days sail.'

Sunday 20th May - 19:48 hrs

'Gin and tonic before dinner then down the pub.'

There followed some witty banter between The Kipper and The Scribe during which The Scribe pointed out that it sounded like they were having a jolly good time.  The Kipper just had to point out that The Scribe had to return to work the following morning and wasn't that a shame.  She politely reminded the Kipper and the crew for that matter that it was alright for those old-timers who were at retirement age but the youngsters have to continue to earn a living.  Scribe feeling very unhappy about being left on dock - they deserved the 'old-timers' comment...and if the texts that followed are anything to go by then the Kipper was smarting just a little bit.  That'll learn him!

Monday 21st May - 07:49hrs

'What a pleasure it is to receive your very informative and intelligent messages! (Still smarting) Just woke up, Bobbie D is sleeping like a log, well, if logs snore that is.  Hope to leave on the midday tide for ?.  We'll see once I have my eyes open and the tea has reached the parts it needs to.'

Sribe duly apologised for texting soooooo early and waking The Kipper: following reply received:

'No, it's fine, was up, just taking my time to get going, trying to get into the retirement mode as I'm SO old!'

Yep...still smarting...

07:58 hrs

'Still waiting for the weather to come through, out look was promising, F4-5 NE veering NW.  I will let you know the destination when a decision has been made.'

Monday 21st May - 10:23 hrs

'Decision made, leaving at 14:00 to take over night passage to Poole - outside the IOW. 90 mile trip.'

Tuesday 22nd May - 07:16 hrs

'Arrived!  Anchored in South Deep Poole Hbr for a well deserved sleep.  What a crap time from 02:00 onwards, wind went from 5 knots N to 20 knots W in 5 minutes.  But we over came!  Now for tea before bed.'

The Scribe enquired if they had used the little orange stormsail yet? 


'Not had to use the little orange thing yet, max wind speed we've had is only 20 knots! Have awoken on a glorious day, blue skies, sunshine, hot if a bit breezy.  Having tiffen on the aft deck, cushions and table and all.  Think I may have broken Bobbie D last night (!) - he was tired when we got in, day off today, well, apart from cleaning and shopping.'

The Scribe spoke to The Kipper last evening and received the following report. 

They are trying their best to keep the boat up to my girl-clean standards and Bobbie D has been issued with a new toothbrush.  The conditions during the sail along to Poole were really not much fun.  The wind was playing the usual silly games of dropping away to nothing so they conceded defeat and put the engine on only to have the wind return, change direction and build and then drop away again.  When this goes on in the middle of the night and you are not properly in a watch system it can be very tiring and not much fun.  It is usually about then that I give up sailing and remind The Kipper that nothing goes to windward like a 747!

They did try to get alongside the harbour wall or town quay at Poole but there were no spaces to be had.  Apparently, they couldn't even get their dinghy alongside and The Kipper was a little reluctant to go onto one of the pontoons in the marina in his little dinghy because he felt that it wouldn't be the done thing and they might get a little sniffy about it.  Strange - it's never stopped him before!

When they finally went ashore to do a little shopping and grab a bite to eat, they found the place packed out with motorcyclists.  Some grumbling comments from The Kipper about the amount of people and how they just wanted to head back to the boat for some peace and quiet.  Now, anyone who knows The Kipper will know that he is a motorcyclist and works with the lovely chaps (and lady) from the NEG (National Escort Group) so it was a bit strange to hear him grumbling about motorcyclists.  I promised not to tell them!!

All-in-all, it sounds like the two of them are having a good trip.  The Kipper was due to head out for Salcombe today so I eagerly await details of the next stage. 

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