Tuesday 14 August 2012

Tuesday 14th August 12

My Lords, Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls; I am please to announce that The Kipper and his merry crew-of-two have arrived safe and sound at their final destination of Vlycho.  It's time to hang out that bunting - we know you have lots left over from the diamond Jubilee celebrations - crack open the champagne and raise a glass to our sailors.

They have covered a total of 3,257 nautical miles since leaving the dock at Chatham and have visited quite a few places in between.  The Kipper is extremely happy and he tells me that they celebrated with a bottle of rum upon their arrival. 

At 21:40 last evening, he sent the following:

'Landfall between Levkas and Kefalonis, it's very dark!  Working our way up the Meganissey Channel towards Nidri and our final destination of Vlycho.  It's sooooooo very exciting.  Just mustn't cock up the final pilotage.  Fingers crossed.'

The Scribe once again reassured him that there is nothing wrong with his navigation or pilotage so no need to cross fingers. 

By 01:45 hrs they had arrived:

'Arrived...a dream has come true.  Fantastic!'

Bless him, how sweet is that.

Despite the celebrations that continued into the night, he was still capable of texting this morning;

'Celebrated when we got in till 06:00 hrs this morning.  Head hurts...Did somebody hit me...Need food and drink...no...just lots of tea!!!!  Ouch, I hurt!!!'

I spoke to The Kipper this evening and remarkably, he is still sober.  He confessed to being a little squiffy last night and has been informed that he fell asleep in the cockpit so his loyal crew-of-two put a sheet over him and blanket under his head and left him there.  He apparently woke up in his bed but can't actually remember getting there.  Proper celebrations indeed!

Tomorrow will be devoted to cleaning up Petra because it pains me to say that she is reported to be rather filthy.  The crew-of-two have moved quarters to Steve's boat - I bet he's pleased to see her - and The Kipper is enjoying his first night solo in the harbour at Vlycho.  When he was describing it to me he used the word 'lagoon' so that will be just another day in paradise then.  The yacht club is apparently no more than a Taverna but it is a very friendly and welcoming place.  There are yachts-a-plenty in the harbour but the liveaboards tend to disappear at this time of year because it's just too hot for them to remain on the boats.  The chaps have been out for dinner this evening in the yacht club but The Kipper declined alcohol; can't face it just yet.  After cleaning the boat up tomorrow, he will be popping over to Bengal Light to fit a water tank and then they are all going ashore to explore.  I think the plan is to take Little Bobbie D to Meganissey so he can have a good look round: he went there some years ago on his holidays and is keen to re-visit. 

The Kipper and Little Bobbie D have a few days in hand to relax before heading home on Sunday.  I believe Steve is planning on staying on his own boat out in the sunshine. 

So, there you have it folks, the delivery is complete and all-in-all it seems to have been very successful and enjoyed by all.  The Scribe will certainly look forward to hearing about it in more detail when they return home. 

The Scribe will leave you with the following...

The Kipper

Monday 13 August 2012

Monday 13th August '12

So much for passage planning.

The Kipper anticipated their arrival in Greece as being sometime Tuesday morning and certainly not in the dark.  The usual Bon Voyage, fair winds text was sent and The Scribe thought that would be the last she would hear of them until Tuesday morning. 

By 17:08 hrs this evening the following message was received:

'We are in sight of Greece!!  Picked up mobile phone signals at over 60 miles but haven't been able to send.  Land sighted at 35 miles but still can't send, so frustrating!!  Due to arrive about 02:00 hrs, so much for a daytime arrival!!  Will have a celebratory drink when anchored and maybe a Latin (?) before going to the yacht club for a fat boys breakfast.'

Don't ask...The Scribe has absolutely no idea what 'a Latin' is all about - probably a tipping error or maybe a spelling misturk...or maybe it was criptic code for something else!!

The amazing thing is that they are within sight of Greece and personally, The Scribe finds that very exciting and can't believe they are nearly there.  They set off on the 18th May when The Kipper and Little Bobbie D shoved off from the pontoons at Chatham marina...

It is worth noting the grey skies, the long trousers, jumpers and rugby shirts and Lovely Julie huddled in her coat.  Whilst Julie and The Scribe have continued to wear a coat up until very recently, The Kipper and his crew-of-two packed their long trousers away back on the north coast of Spain and since then they have been slowing transforming from pale and washed out Englishmen abroad to bronzed Gods....

Too much...

Okay, how about gentlemen of a certain age with a tan: except of course for Steve who already had a tan because he already spends most of his time drifting around on a boat in the Med.

The Scribe now finds herself with mixed emotions - absolutely thrilled that they have had a successful trip and by all accounts have thoroughly enjoyed themselves; they have dealt with the frustrations that naturally follow with any kind of long passage on a boat of any description, and now they are nearing their final destination.  But, on the other hand, The Scribe feels a little bit sad that it is nearly all over for them.  We have followed their progress for the last 13 weeks (if you can believe it has been that long) and so we are into the final sprint finish.

However, they're not there yet and so there's still time for another picture of red speedos, or people sleeping or boys shopping or something even more interesting than that. The next update will be from their first visit to paradise also known as Greece. 

Sunday 12 August 2012

Sunday 12th August 12

The first update today was received at 15:53 hrs; following day of preparation and rest The Kipper reported:

'Second shower in two days, such extravagance!  Shopping done, fully rested, leaving Italy for Greece at about 18:00 hrs and should arrive in Greece on Tuesday morning.  Will be in touch again when in range.'

It seems their journey is coming to a close and it can only be a matter of about 300 miles or so to Greece and their final destination.  They have a week to get there (Kipper's flight on the 19th remember) but I've a feeling they won't want to take that long mainly because they'll run out of water long before then.  As soon as I hear from them, I'll let you all know. 

Saturday 11th August 12

We left The Kipper and the crew-of-two motoring the last 40 miles to Rocella Ionica but by 05:43 hrs this morning the plan had clearly changed.  The Kipper said that they had thoroughly enjoyed the sailing of the day before but they made such good progress that they were due at their desination in the dark.  I think the pilotage books came out because the next update said:

'Due to arrive at Rocella in the dark, not recommended so changed our destination to Cortone some 15 hours further on.  Only 6 bottles of water left, just enough for a little over a day.  Main reason for not going direct to Greece.  Haven't had a shower for a week, really looking forward to one when we get in!!  Before you say anything have been washing but not had the luxury of a shower.'

All The Scribe can say is....eugh!  Can you imagine what it's like on board - a little fusty perhaps? 

Crotone marked in red - not a great picture but hopefully you get the idea of where they are at the moment. 

By 16:10 hours they were probably quite thirsty but they were almost there as reported by The Kipper:

'Just Arriving at Crotone, another hard day sailing, it actually rained today, well a few spots were felt anyway.  Plenty of spray etc when wind hit 25 knots!'

This was closely followed by:

'Just had a walk round Petra for my morning excercise, she's filthy!!!  Decks etc covered in a thick layer of salt and grime and the standing rigging is covered in a red dirt.  A good clean up is called for!'

At the mention of the words 'a good clean up is called for', The Scribe was half way out of the door, destination - the airport - whilst trying to figure out how to get all her cleaning materials through security in her hand luggage!  She pointed out to The Kipper that it was extremely cruel of him to mention that Petra needs some TLC when The Scribe is so far away, she can't do anything to help.  Poor Petra...I bet those boys haven't been cleaning those bottle-screws with a toothbrush.

At 23:08 hrs The Kipper confirmed that they would be leaving the following day:

'Need to get water and to time our arrival in daylight, am knackered, have just woken up from being asleep in the cockpit, now to bed.'

The crew-of-two have been rather quiet...I can only assume they are still on board...


Friday 10th August 12

I'm sorry to report that this morning The Kipper and the crew-of-two were perhaps a touch on the tired and probably slightly emotional side; the reason for this being that their visit to paradise in the lee of a volcano turned into hell on earth when the shadow of night crept across the island and all the young folk ashore got up and went out to the local nightclub.  I received the following at 06:43 hrs:

'Off to go through the Straits of Messina, left at 07:00 hrs on time.  Glad not staying another night, night club ashore very loud till 04:00. Kept us all awake!  Very quiet on board now!  If we haven't all fallen asleep we will go through at about 14:30  with a 4 knot current, that is if my calculations based on HW Gibraltar are correct!'

The Scribe respectfully whispered in the reply so as not to wake them all up.  She has complete faith in The Kipper's navigational skills but did advise him to watch out for the big ships in the Straits.

'This navigation without tides is very confusing especially when you do have to apply it, am I still asleep, I don't know, who am I!  Be in contact later hopefully when I'm more compos mentis, that's Latin, it's as close to Italian that I can get!'

The Scribe is immediately transported back to that gentleman on the swim platform...The Kipper trampled all over her vision of loveliness by being rude about our Italian friends: I shan't repeat it here. 

By 18:35 hrs the update was as follows:

'We are through the Messini Straits, sailed from half way down at an average of 7 knots speed over the ground for 4 hours, running down wind and we didn't get the beast out of the bag, not in 25 to 30 knots of wind true thank you very much.  Wind now died and motoring the last 40 miles to Rocella Ionica.  Should get there about 02:00.'

Thursday 9 August 2012

Thursday 9th August 12

The Kipper and his crew-of-two left Cefalu early this morning to head for Vulcano.  At 08:01 hrs The Kipper wrote:

'Left Cefalu about an hour ago for Vuncano, 50 miles, should be there by dinner.  Not enough wind to sail by, NW 6 knots so motoring waiting to see if it fills in a bit later.  Another hot day here!'

The Kipper also confirmed that he has booked a flight back on Sunday the 19th August so let's hope nothing untoward happens between now and then.  By 16:05 hrs they were arriving at their next anchorage:

'Just arriving at Vulcano (pictures to follow).  Lost for words at the moment, overwhelmed at the thought of anchoring at a Volcano called Vulcano!'

Salina Vulcano!

On the approach to Vulcano volcano island...is anyone else confused about all of this...

Anchored in the shadow of a volcano - now that is very exciting and apparently, The Kipper tells me that it smells a bit of stinky eggs but he describes if as being 'awesome'.  I like this picture for a number of reasons - blue skies, lovely looking island, lots of lovely boats and best of all, if you look really carefully, on the swim platform of that boat starboard side of the picture you will see a fine looking gentleman - broad shoulders, fine set of thighs - thank you God for the zoom function on my phone!!  Willing to wager he's Italian!

The last update before bedtime tonight was as follows:

'Off through the Messina Straits tomorrow, was going straight to Greece but we are going through drinking water like it's going out of fashion so are going to Roccella Ionica for a shower, the second in a week, so extravagant, and replenish drinking water before crossing to our destination on Sunday and Monday.'

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Wednesday 8th July 12

It seems that the last post caused a bit of a flap - unintentional on The Sribe's part and she humbly apologises to all concerned.  Having written the entry when a little on the tired side, The Scribe then re-read it the following day and decided amendments were required.  Unbeknowns to The Scribe - other than my loyal band of followers - there are actually other people reading this and the result was a few concerned texts flying between here and the Med.

Panic yee not!!!

I am reassued by The Kipper and the crew-of-two that everything is fine and dandy and they are now making excellent progress towards their final destination.  The Kipper did have added stress and pressure caused by fact that Mummy Kipper wasn't very well (that's Mrs Kipper senior not the current Mrs Kipper...if you follow...).  Understandably, The Kipper was very concerned and was receiving regular updates from home on her condition.  Add this to the cauldron of worries about the time delays, the lack of wind, the cost of diesel and the fact that they have to put up with looking at half naked females in all the anchorages they visit - well, you can imagine the pressure.  I am still willing to wager that there has been the occasional 'sailors flounce' (see RYA Practical Yachtmaster course) on board accompanied by words to the effect of, 'I'm just off to the foredeck to check the trim on the headsail'.

So, let us now catch up on their progress:

I think we left our intrepid crew in Mahon and so on Thursday the 1st August, they set sail for Sardinia with a planned journey time of a couple of days.  At 06:17 hrs The Kipper wrote:

'Morning, setting off for Sardinia in a couple of hours, will be out of phone range for a couple of days.  Will let you know when we arrive.  It's getting closer all the time, won't be long now.'

The Scribe naturally wished them bon voyage and hoped that they would finally get some good wind and some decent sailing.  The Scribe was looking forward to the word picture they would send back from Sardinia as she has heard alot about it but had never managed to get there. She was immediately crushed by this reply:

'Hope only to stay at anchorage for a night before moving on to Sicily.'

Bugger!!  The Scribe was looking forward to hearing all about it - still, I guess one beautiful, sun-drenched anchorage full of half naked females is much the same as another so I guess we're not missing anything. 

The next update came at 19:10 hrs on Friday 3rd August:

'Hi, just a quick message before you go to bed, we are just arriving in Sardinia, about 12 miles from our overnight anchorage.  It's about 25 miles outside of Cagliari.  A long hard motor, had a couple of periods of sailinng but very short.  Dinner and well deserved beer when we get the anchor down.'

The Scribe would just like to take this opportnuity to point out that she doesn't actually go to bed by 19:30 hrs every evening...although it is awfully tempting.

He continued with this update on the journey into their anchorage:

'Got some tricky pilotage between an unlit island and an unlit headland before it gets dark then a straight run to the anchorage.  Beer and food well deserved by all!'

There was a small break down in communication at this point which either meant that The Kipper's battery was flat or he was having far too good a time to bother texting or his phone was eaten by a dolphin or he and the crew-of-two had finally fallen victim to that naughty sail that shall not be named...or maybe, he was just busy.  The Scribe too was a bit busy running around after 8 chickens (last count) 5 cats, then 3 cats because two went AWOL, then the cats came home but one of the chickens got sick, then one of the cats hurt it's paw and was confined to barracks all week, then the cat got better but one of the others disappeared again and then the Labrador puppy chewed up her shoes.  It's been one of those weeks!

The next update was recieved when I finally called The Kipper on Saturday the 4th August to find out what they were up to.  It was at this point that I received the update about Mummy Kipper.  I'm fairly certain that they had reached Sicily by this point but don't ask me where because I didn't write it down so I don't have a hope of remembering. 

The latest from them came through today - at 11:21 hrs The Kipper wrote:

'Just arrived at Cefalu Sicily.  Now for shopping, water, fuel and very much needed shower.  Meal ashore this evening. Setting off for Volcano, an island just off the NE coast in the morning.  Then it will be the final 300 miles to Greece!'

Jolly exciting news I thought.  Only 300 miles to go.  It seems all of a sudden they are on the doorstep and their adventure is nearly at an end.  The Scribe spoke to The Kipper and the conversation went something like this:
'Blah blah blah blah blah bloody hot here blah blah blah white sandy beach blah women in bikinis blah blah blah blah beer blah blah Steve blah speedos off again blah blah blah Little Bobbie D blah blah in the cockpit blah little towel wrapped around him blah blah bottom are on show blah blah blah me sitting her wrapped only in a towel...'

At which point, The Scribe hung up...clearly, it was a wrong number. 

The Scribe was a little concerned at the mention of the word Volcano.  Images of human sacrifice came to mind when The Kipper mentioned that they would be going there and for a time, The Scribe was slightly concerned for the crew-of-two. 

By 13:26 hrs, things appeared to be business as usual:

'Done the shopping and had a shower, now having a beer in bar overlooking the anchorage.  Need to replace some fluids!  You want to see this place; tiny back streets, frantastic beaches, loads of character and full of Italians.  Easily spend time here exploring.'

Italians....so could The Scribe!

The Scribe confessed that her image of Sicily was somewhat clouded by the fact that she had only visited Palermo and she quite wrongly assumed that all of Sicily lived up to this standard.  The Kipper confirmed,
'Palermo is a dump but this place is very nice, very friendly people these Cosa Nostra guys!  On the happy side of squiggly, well I am.  Ashore this evening for dinner.'

And so, there you have it; our Kipper and his crew-of-two are about to head off to begin the final few miles to their destination.  Julie, I think the time has come for you to throw that bikini in the suitcase and dust off that plane ticket, you shall be reunited with Himself before very long. Steve will be reunited with his own boat and The Kipper can jolly well get himself home because no doubt Mrs Kipper has a list of jobs for him and he has work to do...Bike Blenheim is almost upon us.