Tuesday 27 March 2012

Monday 30th January 2012

The Kipper has had a meeting with the holding tank man (Pete).

I think it went well.

It has been established that the new holding tank can certainly be fitted along with all the associated pipework and fittings and all for the mere sum of several thousand pouns.  Unfortunately, the tank will have to be located in the starboard cockpit locker which is a bit of a worry because we will have to:
a) find homes for all tht stuff we carry around with us in the lockers that fit into the 'may come in hand one day' criterea
b) always aim to sail on a starboard tack because all the weight will be on that side of the boat.

As I mentioned previously, Petra already has a slight list to starboard that we have tried many times to cure but no matter how well we rearrange thigs and re-pack the locker, her angle of heel always remains the same.  We've learned to live with it and always look forwar to sailing close hauled on a starboard tack when Petra really digs her shoulder into the water and hoons (technical sailing expression) along at a cracking pace.

The tank chap tried to reassure The Kipper by saying that most of the time the tank will be empty so we won't be carrying around all that weight for all that long. I guess he has a point.  When we're on passage and at least 3 miles offshore we can still punp out as usual and will only need the use of the holding tank if we end up in an area where you will be shot on sight if you even think of opening the skin fitting and allowing any matter to escape the tank - like for example, in and around The Kornati Islands in Croatia.  They are very particular about what annoying sailors can and can't do.  It will be nice to know that when he reaches his destination in Greece The Kipper will be able to swim off the boat wthout fear of something homemade floating past his ear or being sucked up in his snorkel.  Nice!

Following on from this meeting, I received a frantic text from The Kipper this afternoon that contained a plea for help.  He was having the first of what will proabably be many moments of doubt about his plans for the summer.  I of course was on hand to offer reassurance and the resulting telephone conversation went something like this:

The Kipper: Am I doing the right thing?

Tishie: How do you mean?

The Kipper: I feel like I'm being an idiot, tell me I'm doing the right thing...I am aren't I?

Tishie:  Um....Yes...

The Kipper:  It's just that it's such a lot of money and I've told the chap to go ahead but what if it isn't the right thing to do; am I doing the right thing?

Tishie:  Ummmmm.....Yes....

The Kipper:  Really?

Tishie:  Yes...

The Kipper:  But it might be a really foolish thing to do spending so much money on Petra, I just need someone to tell me I'm not being an idiot.

Tishie:  Um....You're not being an idiot...

The Kipper:  Really?

Tishie:  Really

The Kipper:  Really really....

At which point Tishie turned off the hoover and sat down on the recently vacummed stairs.  She quietly but firmly explained the following to The Kipper.  Since his retirement from that job we will never speak of he has worked his little socks off to pay for his pride and joy - for those that may be in any doubt I am referring to his boat!  He has budgeted and worked hard for each nd every item he has upgraded or fixed or replaced.  He has now taken the decision to finally follow his dreams and relocate the boat to the Med so that he can spend lazy days bumming around in the sunshine, meeting like-minded people who are following the same dream - there are a lot of them out there - and, all in all he will feel very content that he had the courage to actually do it instead of being one of those people who prop up the bar of the local yacht club, talk a good job but never actually leave the dock.

The wise old scabby crew continued; yes, it is a lot of money (I'm not typing it again!)  but he will need the tank if he is to follow that dream because you simply must have a holding tank if you are to be civilised and kind to your guest when they are swimming off the boat.  I believe it is also a legal requirement in some countries to have one (I believe although this may be an urba myth).  They really do get very sniffy about holding tanks and pumping out.  So, for the first time, he is spending his retirement money and is putting it towards his retirement.  Is that a bad thing?  NO!  He is in a position to be able to afford it and when he gets to the Med he'll be living on salad and freshly caught fish anyway so he will be able to survive on a modest stipend.

Note to self:  add fishing line, fishing hooks and lures to the shopping list.

I also pointed out that it cannot be a bad thing to upgrade Petra and make her a very well found little yacht that is perfecctly set up for blue water cruising.  In the long run, the investment will pay off.

Finally, The Kipper laughted and said that he felt better. I did understand his moment of panic.  After all, this from the crew who refuses to spend precious pennies on buying a new pair of oily bottoms even though her old faithful tousers are falling to bits and only keep the water out if she's standing under a brolly.  I panic like mad at having to pay out for expensive items but not when I know that it is justified and necessary.  I suppose it could be argued that I am being selfish because I will be able to sail in the Med with The Kipper (as long as he hasn't traded me in for a younger model of crew - available from all good dockside bars!)  I do want him to pursue this dream because I have been present for so many lamp-lit evenings sat at anchor on the River Medway when the subject has come up and the 'one day I'm going to do it' conversation has raised it's beautiful head once again.

Should I apologise for encouraging him...probably yes but, is it a bad thing to pursue a dream? I am absolutely certain he will have the time of his life and his only regret will be that he didn't do it sooner.  He will meet wonderful sailing folk who all have their own stories to tell - some of them will have been yachting around for years and some will be very new and nervous to it.  He will meet young and old; he will trip over boat-rats (also known as kids) on the pontoons and enjoy comfortable evenings sat at anchor watching the stars come out under yet another heavenly night sky whilst enjoying a nice glass of wine or a cold beer.  He'll enjoy the morning dingy trip ashore to gather fresh bread and provisions and then, after stretching his legs, he'll return to the boat and decide if he wants to watch the world go by or go for a sail or do both.  That is what awaits him, that and so much more so I've decided not to aplogise if I'm accused of coercinng him into it.  Once he has the boat in the Med and he's gained his confidence the next stop will be 3000 miles west for winter in the Caribbean.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...

By the time our call ended The Kipper was laughing and saying that he felt better.  I advised him that my invoice would be in the post and then I returned to the vacuuming.  Heigh ho - if only my own retirement wasn't at least another 20 years away. 

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